I am so lucky to have you as my sister. When we were very young, we came close to losing you. I am so glad you made it back to health!
The time was close to the end of WWII. I remember that Mama Mere was taking care of me, and I did not see much of Dad, Mom or you. Mama Mere told me that you were in the hospital, and that we had to pray. She had me kneel and pray to La Virgencita that you would get well.
It was not until I was a little older that I learned some of the details of your illness. You had meningitis, and the doctors had to requisition that new miracle drug—penicillin—from the brass at the Corpus Christi Naval Base. Since it was wartime, this drug was not readily available for civilians.
Mama Mere and I kept praying at home, and she made a promise to La Virgencita de Guadalupe that if you recovered, we would make the pilgrimage to the Basilica in Mexico City.
I don’t know if it was the penicillin or La Virgencita, but to the joy of all in the family, you recovered!
That left Mama Mere and Mom to make good on the promise. And we made the trek to El Cerro del Tepeyac and paid homage to La Virgencita. I remember that there were some people who went kneeling all the way to the altar. I don't think we did that. While there Mom paid for a plaque that had the message of thanks to the Virgin and it was to include your name and to be posted somewhere on the church grounds. Who knows if it was ever done.
Since we were there in Mexico City already, we also went to the floating gardens of Xochimilco, just outside of the city. Remember those hats! Oh yes, and Mom’s idea of not playing favorites was to dress us alike. Enjoy your birthday with your family, I feel blessed to have you as my sis.
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