Friday, September 5, 2008

Happy Birthday, Baby Girl

Today is a very special day. It is Baby Girl's birthday.

Since the day that you were born, we knew you would be the one to make our young family complete. About all you did those first couple of months was sleep and eat, and required diaper changes. 
By the time you were three months old, you were showing a personality. You were a happy baby, and thrived on our loving attention.
At eleven months you were meeting all your developmental milestones. The pediatrician and I were certain that you had read Dr. Spock's book yourself. 
Inquisitive, that would best describe you. You were a delight to watch as you were learning that first year of your life. And, as you started to talk, the questions came endlessly.
Now that you are a mommy yourself, you will cherish those moments in your child's developments, too. Somewhere I read that Carl Sandburg said that a baby is God's opinion that life should go on. Our own Baby Girl is continuing that life. We love you and wish you the best on your birthday and always.