Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Future Teachers in Robstown

I recently received this photo from a former class mate. I do not remember when this photo was taken, but this much is true. I was a member of the Future Teacher of America while in high school. I did become a high school teacher. I do not have a recollection of posing for this picture. Some of the faces are familiar to me: some of the "adults" were teachers or administrators. The other two girls I remember very well because we were in same classes. The mayor of Robstown is also in the photo. I hope that the "Amendment 4" passed, but I don't know.

I did follow through on becoming a teacher, and I think of it as a noble career. The pay was never great, but it was rewarding to know that your work made a difference in this world. And, it was while  I was working as a teacher that I met Hubby.

Although I am now retired, I still enjoy teaching. I now teach people how to start researching their family history.

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