Sunday, October 5, 2008

Apple, apple, apple cobbler

On the south side of our house we have had two apple trees for about eight years. Last year and this year we have had a bountiful harvest of apples. We do not do very much in taking care of these trees as far as pruning or fertilizing. We do try to keep them watered, so they have somehow survived our years of neglect.

The picture below is of the bigger, sweeter apples, the Pettingills.

The smaller apples below are the Fuji.

But the best part of these beautiful apples is the consumption. This year we have given away some of the apples, and eaten some fresh, too. But tonight Hubby made his own delicious concoction, and called it sort of a cobbler. Whatever he wants to call it, I call it scrumptious. And it is disappearing fairly fast.

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